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Standards Council of Canada

U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has issued a report titled “Consumer Product Safety Commission: Challenges and Options for Responding to New and Emerging Risks”

FYI ... see attached, from the GAO.  Interesting read.

Source: http://www.gao.gov/products/GAO-15-17 

According to Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) officials, industry representatives, consumer groups, and subject-matter experts GAO interviewed, the timeliness of CPSC's responses may be affected by several factors, including (1) compliance actions that can involve litigation, (2) reliance on voluntary standards, (3) rulemaking procedures, (4) restrictions on sharing information with the public and international agencies, and (5) limited agency resources. For example, CPSC must defer to a voluntary standard if it determines that compliance with a voluntary standard would eliminate or adequately reduce the risk of injury and there is likely to be substantial compliance with the voluntary standard. However, because the laws do not establish a time frame for finalizing a voluntary standard, conflicting industry and consumer interests can delay its development, sometimes for years. CPSC has worked with the window covering industry since 1994 to develop a voluntary standard to address strangulation hazards stemming from window blind cords, but as of September 2014, no voluntary standard that addresses the ongoing safety concerns had been finalized. Further, new and emerging product safety risks present challenges because, statutorily, CPSC was established to respond to risks after products have been introduced into market.

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Re: U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has issued a...

Portrait de Suzanna Ersoy
Permalien Soumis par Suzanna Ersoy le ven, 2014/10/31 - 09:34



This is really interesting and thought provoking. I often do wonder about the timeframes in delivering  a standardization solution. Maybe its time that we come up with a faster and better way in delivering a standard.  I have few ideas...but no one its listening .... :)





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